TCARA Repeaters

All repeaters are open and available for use by the entire amateur community.

TCARA Club Call Sign: AF2A

VHF 146.940 MHz

VHF 146.970 Mhz

UHF 443.500. Mhz

(*) All three Yaesu DR2X repeaters operate in AMS mode which is an abbreviation for Automatic Mode Select. If you go in the repeater with a Yaesu System Fusion it will repeat Fusion, if you go in with FM it will repeat FM.  If you own a Yaesu product that is Fusion capable you can program AMS or manually select how you want to operate.

TCARA Sunday Night Net: 8pm on 146.940 repeater

Other Active Upstate New York Radio Nets

Trustee for TCARA Repeaters: F. Kevin Feeney and the Repeater Committee

Repeater Committee Members

All repeaters are coordinated through UNYREPCO.