TCARA Repeaters
All repeaters are open and available for use by the entire amateur community.
TCARA Club Call Sign: AF2A
VHF 146.940 MHz
Frequencies: RX: 146.340 MHz, TX: 146.940 MHz
Offset: negative, standard 600 kHz
PL tones: RX: 103.5 Hz, TX: 103.5 Hz
Location: Mt Pleasant Rd, over looking Ithaca, NY
Lat/Long: 42.463518964889865, -76.37313737593043
Antenna: COL 53-160
Radio: Yaesu DR2X*
Additional details:
Fusion repeater operates in AMS mode
24-hour emergency power
Weather alerts
EchoLink: Node 577796 N2FSD-L, public access
To connect: # + node or conference server number
To disconnect: ##
VHF 146.970 Mhz
Frequencies: RX: 146.370 MHz, TX: 146.970 MHz
Offset: negative, standard 600 kHz
PL tones: RX: 103.5 Hz, TX: 103.5 Hz
Location: Connecticut Hill, overlooking Ithaca, New York
Lat/Long: 42° 23′ 11″ N / −76° 40′ 8″ W
Elevation: 2147′ (654 m) AMSL
Antenna: Andrew DB224-E configured as omnidirectional
Radio: Yaesu DR2X*
UHF 443.500. Mhz
Frequencies: RX: 448.500 MHz, TX: 443.500 MHz
Offset: positive, 5 MHz
PL tones: RX: 151.4 Hz, TX: 151.4 Hz
Location: Mt Pleasant, overlooking Ithaca, New York
Lat/Long: 42.463518964889865, -76.37313737593043
Radio: Yaesu DR2X*
(*) All three Yaesu DR2X repeaters operate in AMS mode which is an abbreviation for Automatic Mode Select. If you go in the repeater with a Yaesu System Fusion it will repeat Fusion, if you go in with FM it will repeat FM. If you own a Yaesu product that is Fusion capable you can program AMS or manually select how you want to operate.
TCARA Sunday Night Net: 8pm on 146.940 repeater
Trustee for TCARA Repeaters: F. Kevin Feeney and the Repeater Committee
Repeater Committee Members
Kevin Feeney WB2EMS, Trustee
Bill Ackroyd AD2CX
Jamie Arnold W2GPR
Jamie Ayers KD2TLP
Stacey Becker KE2EAA
Jerry Beldon N2FSD
Doug Bullivant KB2BON
Kevin Howe AD2DD
Jeff Nadel N2MOF
All repeaters are coordinated through UNYREPCO.